January 08, 2015


       Lift ! No.I'm not referring to a verb neither weighting lifting but a noun ,you guessed it right, the elevator .The vertical transport equipment that efficiently moves people or goods between floors of a building.Not a great topic to write but i found something interesting !
Be it in office or any other buildings,we all have experienced ourselves in lifts in our day to day life.
So, what is so interesting to write about it ? When ever we enter into a lift ,there are different kinds or categories of people in it.Few known & few unknown,of different age group and gender.I used to always wonder what might be running in their mind until they walk out of it.I usually keep staring at everyone in the lift and keep guessing about their thoughts.Most of them keep looking at the arrow mark right from the beginning till the end, few keep staring at others looking at their attire , few try to read the same posters or warning messages on the wall everyday ! and others look at each others foot wears and accessories etc,,,,,even if we meet a friend, we may hesitate to talk to them since we would be accompanied by strangers around.I have also come across ladies comparing each other right from hair style to sandals !We come across some funny incidents too like overloading; when the last person entering the lift would feel so embarrassed that even though he is lean, he would be forced to stand out and wait, pressing the wrong buttons in hurry and sometimes going out thinking that was the floor we opted for and again getting back. Also we might have thought "What if the lift stops suddenly ?" & laughed within.
But that 2-3 minutes of time spent in the lift is so interesting since we are out of every normal routine that we perform and various kinds of thoughts run in each and every individual's mind depending on the age group.Those thoughts would be so different from our normal thoughts that run in our mind even when we are alone.I tried to talk to few people after getting out of the lift and asked them what was it that was in their mind and most of them answered that they were thinking about the next scenario that they would come across ; be it their work,home or the person they would meet later or their daily to do's....
Those few minutes of silence , those special thoughts, those eye contacts with each other was something that made me write ....Well , next time when you are into the lift, do let me know your thoughts as well .. happy lifting wink emoticon


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